

Taiki has been home sick half the week. Normally that sort of thing doesn’t bother me, other than it means I’m not going to get much done, but these days there’s a mild sense of concern beyond that of the normal, “My five year old is sick yet again. Goddamn it, there goes my day.” […]


There’s a certain, not entirely incorrect assumption about Japan that it’s some kind of futuristic wonderland. It’s true, it’s the birthplace of the camera phone and giant, glasses-free 3D TVs, cyberpunk-like TV billboards, ass-washing toilets, and soon, a maglev train capable of going 600km/h. Fish sauce vending machines, digital, music-playing rice cookers, self-heating bathtubs, a […]


Of all my mostly petty complaints about living in Japan, one thing I do love is all the books. For a writer, the words “People don’t read anymore” are probably four of the most terrifying words in English, and yet here we are. Magazines? Sometimes. News online? Maybe. Facebook (fucking Facebook)? Certainly. But books? Novels? […]

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